School Workshops
School Advisory Council: Schools across Ontario offer parenting classes that benefit the families in their school community. SACs have access to Parent Reaching Out grants offered by the Ministry of Education. These grants could be used to offer these workshops to families in their community. Educators: These workshops are suitable for educators interested in developing a deeper understanding of student behaviour and learning, and in acquiring practical strategies to optimize classroom management. There are several modules with specific objectives and are ideal for Professional Development days or after school learning.

How To Raise Confident Kids
Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities. In this workshop parents will learn the language of encouragement which gives the child a sense of self-respect and a sense of accomplishment. This is the most important tool a parent can use to raise a confident kid!

Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting is based on respectful leadership that is both kind and firm at the same time. Each stage has its challenges and in this workshop you will learn how to build respectful relationships with yourself, your partner, and your children. Discover how to help your child develop independence, responsibility, cooperation & problem-solving skills.

Raising A Responsible Child
Learn practical steps to successful family relationships with this workshop. A parent cannot "teach" responsibility, they must give it to the child and let them learn how to handle it. As children learn to accept responsibility they begin to enjoy being responsible. They gain confidence and begin to feel worthwhile.

Positive Discipline in the Classroom
Encouragement is the most valuable gift you can offer your students. It alone won’t teach them to read or spell, but without it, teaching may be more difficult than you ever dreamed. Become an encouraging teacher, an encouraging person, and you’ll have come a long way toward turning your classroom into a stimulating, creative place.

How We Can Encourage Children
Encouragement is the most important aspect of child-raising. Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs claims that “a child needs encouragement as a plant needs sun and water”. The essence of encouragement is to increase the child’s confidence in them self and to convey to them that they are good enough as they are and not just as they ‘might’ be.

Siblings Without Rivalry
The family is where we learn and practice our relationship skills. This workshop will help you put your kids on the same team so you can live in peace. Learn simple but effective techniques to promote cooperation instead of competition. Children don’t need to be treated equally. They need to be treated uniquely.

Parenting Teenagers
The “Systematic Training for Effective Parenting: Parenting Teenagers” helps parents find realistic, effective, and enjoyable ways to relate to the emerging young adults in their family. And it leads them toward the goal parents want most: a relationship based on equality that encourages both parents and teens to become the most they can become and to appreciate, respect and love one another.

Emotional Intelligence and Resiliency in Kids
Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success. Research shows that emotional awareness and the ability to manage feelings will determine how successful and happy our children are throughout life. Emotional intelligence buffers the complexities of life that allows them to be more confident, intelligent, and well-rounded individuals.

Managing Anger in the Home
This workshop will explore the emotion of anger and provide you with practical management strategies, both for yourself and for your children. Anger is a normal human emotion but it can be damaging if not managed. Learn how to avoid common traps and identify triggers to your anger so you can have less shouting and move toward a more peaceful family atmosphere.