Helping Families Since 1974

Since 1974, the Parent Education Network (PEN) has empowered parents to learn a common-sense approach to parenting. PEN is a not-for-profit, charitable community service organization, offering essential programs to support the most important role of all - parenting. PEN is committed to helping parents and caregivers develop the tools needed to meet the challenges of parenting through a program that emphasizes encouragement, empowerment and mutual respect.


Through our workshops and classes, you will learn how to use kind and firm methods to raise a child who is responsible, respectful and resourceful.

Coaching & Consulting

Coaching is about facilitating change that will lead to desired results. Consulting is about advising parents to help attain those results.

How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk

Positive Discipline

Parenting Teenagers

"During all my life it was my endeavor to bring people together. The study of human nature cannot be pursued with the purpose of developing occasional experts, only the understanding of human nature by every human being can be its proper goal."

- Alfred Adler -

September 12, 2023

The Child’s Mistaken Goals

March 18, 2023

Who Owns The Problem?

November 15, 2022

Finding A Fresh Perspective