The Child’s Mistaken Goals

Why do children misbehave? Why do kids act in ways that deliberately gets them into trouble? Sometimes children misbehave trying to get their needs met. Renowned psychologist Alfred Adler said that since children are social creatures they need to feel belonging and to feel significant within the group. A child...

Who Owns The Problem?

The concept of problem ownership is a key principle in the Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) program developed by Dr. Thomas Gordon. According to Gordon, problem ownership refers to the idea that every problem has an owner, and that it's important for individuals to take responsibility for their own problems and...

Finding A Fresh Perspective

Your view of the world influences how you experience everything that happens to you. We each look at life through our own unique lens. Our view of the world can be negative or positive, encouraging or discouraging, rigid or flexible, competitive or cooperative. The good news is that once we...

Back to School – A Fresh Start

If you are looking to make some improvements in your home this year, then I recommend starting family meetings. Holding regular scheduled family meetings helps build strong relationships within the family, it gives everyone an opportunity to be heard and to be a part of the decision-making process. The family...

Developing Social Interest in Children

The first thing I learned when I started to attend parenting classes was that parents have two parenting goals. The first goal is the development of independence and responsibility and the second parenting goal is the development of social interest. A hallmark of Adlerian Psychology is the concept of social...

How to Engage a Child’s Cooperation

The Parent Education Network's most popular workshop is based on the classic book called "How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk" written by leading parenting experts Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. This book and workshop covers many common problems we have at home, from...